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Blog Vs. Website – What’s The Real Difference And Do You Need Both?

The most common questions I am asked is “Do I need a blog or a website?” and “How do I add a blog to my website?” These are both great questions and this article will show you exactly how to understand what is best for you.

First and most importantly …a blog IS a type of website.

A “website” is really anyplace you can visit online with a URL / Domain ( and allows you to view content.

So essentially EVERYTHING on the internet is a website!

Blogs were created to have a simple interface and to make regular posts. These posts are typically displayed as a listing in chronological order, with the newest content at the top of the page.

Blogs are managed using a content management system (CMS) which is simply a set of tools and code designed to allow you to easily add, remove, and edit your online content.

BlogPress runs on the WordPress CMS. In short, you don’t have to know how to write any code to have your own blog/website. With WordPress, there is no difference between a blog and a website. They are the same thing.

Over the years the look and feel of old-school blogs have changed to look more like static websites. By adding plugins and custom themes, a user can expand their blog/website and offer thousands of features.

So the best choice for your website regardless of whether you think you want a blog or a static website is to start with a service like BlogPress which runs on the WordPress platform.

Blog Vs. Website – Are Blogs Better Than Static Websites?

First, let’s revisit my first statement.

(remember…) A blog IS a type of website.

Creating a blog style website is the fastest and easiest way to get started online. Regardless of whether your website is an online platform to voice your opinions or a business intended to make money online, starting with a blog is the way to go.

Here’s why…

Search Engines Like Blogs More

Because blogs are dynamic (lots of new content on a regular basis), they get more attention from search engines. That means more traffic more quickly to your site than if you upload your static website content and do nothing else.

Every time you add a new post to your blog, your blog automatically “pings” the search engines to let them know that you have fresh content on your site. As a result, the search engines will come back to your site more often than they would with a static website. This means more traffic to your blog than a traditional website.

People Like Blogs More

A blogger is always posting new and relevant content that readers love so they keep coming back and linking to that content. Most blogs allow readers to comment, discuss and participate in the content. Blogs build relationships and loyal readers. Websites don’t.

Still Thinking About Static Websites? You Can Use BlogPress for Static Sites!
Most BlogPress themes allow you to configure your blog as a static website and then add the “blogging” component as a separate section of your website. So why would you want to have to manage two completely different systems, when you can both a website and a blog with one platform?!?

With BlogPress you’ll have a plug and play website ready to go in no time.

In Summary

There’s no need to choose between a blog or a website when you can have them both from the start.

Don’t Miss Out! Start Your Blog Today.