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Why Your Business Website Needs A Blog - And How To Get Started

Businesses are going all-in establishing a presence on social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. However, focusing all of our time and money on social networks may not be the only way to go.
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13 Reasons Your Business Website Needs a Blog

Blogging, if done for the purpose of content marketing, is a powerful lead generating method and a necessary addition to the overall marketing strategy of your business. Pair content creation with search engine optimisation and you will take y...
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Why Your Business Website Need A Blog - And How To Get Started

Does your business website have a blog? If it doesn't, it should. If it does, do you blog regularly? If you don't, you should. Why?:- Because effective content marketing is now the best way to achieve long-term competitive advantage in your ch...
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Why Your Website Needs a Blog (& How to Start One)

Some business owners think of blogging as something only “bloggers” do to share their personal stories. However, blogging is actually a powerful marketing tool—and it’s one of our top recommendations for new businesses to grow your audience an...
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4 Reasons Why Your Website Needs a Blog

If you’re a company on a budget, blogging generally falls into the “Is it necessary? Then not right now” category. You’re probably thinking about the time, money and upkeep that would come with a blog, and writing it off as an unnecessary burd...